Saturday, 21 April 2012

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Wrapping up the patchwork

I finished off my quilt! Or rather, the patchwork part of it, the actual quilting is still ahead of me. I thought I'd finally use the last few pieces to show you how I do it.

First I cut out a little paper heaxgon. 

I then pin it onto the fabric and roughly cut around it.

Using some thread, I sew the loose ends over the back, pulling out the pin in the process. The piece of paper is still in there and it gives it some structure.

Then I place two pieces with their nice sides together and stitch over the edge.

 Instead of attaching them straight to the big piece, I make these little flower shapes instead, with one of the turquoise ones in the middle. This isn't a full flower because I was filling the last edge. I then attach the flowers to the big piece and fill any holes with the dark blue pieces directly.

Done! I unfortunately didn't have any american coins but I think you get the idea.

305 hexagons make up the complete piece.I'm just not sure what to do about the edges. To you people with papter stichting experience out there: I want to attach a strip of fabric to the edge. How do I do that?


  1. Das sind tolle Farben! Und durch die regelmäßige Anordnung wirkt es auch nicht so unruhig, wie man bei unterschiedlichen Mustern meinen könnte.

    Bei deiner Frage kann ich dir leider nicht so richtig weiterhelfen, weil ich das noch nicht gemacht habe. Ich habe häufig noch halbe Hexagons drangenäht, um eine gerade Kante zu bekommen und dann mit Schrägband drumrum...
    Aber wahrscheinlich würde ich es so versuchen, dass ich über die Kante drüberbügle, die Papierschablonen dann raushole und den Streifen dann einfach knappkantig aufnähe.

  2. That's gorgeous! Does the paper end up staying inside when you finish the back? I'm really intrigued. I've never seen a quilt assembled this way before.

    1. No, I pull out the paper once a piece is entirely surrounded by other pieces. Otherwise I think the whole thing would be too stiff and I would constantly have to stitch through the paper when actually quilting.

  3. How beautiful. I have never made a quilt but love them so very much. Yours is going to be very lovely indeed!


  4. That truly is one of the most impressive home-made things i have must have taken you a life time!

    1. I did take a while, yes. I think I've been working on it for about half a year but not very regularily. I really just used it to keep my fingers busy while watching movies or listening to audio books.


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