Thursday, 26 July 2012

Presents make me happy

Especially when I am giving them to other people. So when I had some spare things from sorting out my room, I decided to just give them away to random strangers. I set up a little display on a fairly busy street nearby.

give away 1

Almost twelve hours later, most of it had gone. I love it when a plan works out. :D

give away 2


  1. Ja, hier in meiner Nachbarschaft ist so ein Telefonkasten, wo manche Bücher drauflegen. Hab da Samstag morgens auch schon welche draufgelegt und am Abend waren sie weg :D!

    1. Das ist auch eine super Idee. Es gibt manchmal so minibibliotheken, die genauso funktionieren. Mein Lieblingsbeispiel ist das hier:

  2. I know right?! Doesn't giving just feel so good! I love how you just put your stuff on the street like that! I especially love giving people things that I've made...

    1. I like giving away handmadethings but I haven't always got the best feedback so I sort of stopped. Maybe at some point I will be brave enough to try again.

  3. Oh my God, that is an amazing idea! I would do that if I didn't live in a reeeeeally quiet street.
    When i have books that I don't want anymore I bring them to one of those open bookshelves, though. I once found an amazing old failry tale book in there.

  4. Why don't you find the next busy street? that should work. :)


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