Saturday 28 January 2012

Vegetable craves

At home as a child, my mother insisted on us having vegetables with everything. I remember one dinner where we actually got a ready made pizza ( a rare thing in our house ) and my mother put a bowl of carrot sticks next to it. At the time, I angrily claimed that I would never eat vegetables once I cooked my own food but I would probably die of vegetable poisoning long before I got there. My mother just smiled at me knowlingly.

Now, a confession from adult me: I love fruits and vegetables. Cooked vegetables, raw vegetables, roasted vegetables, steamed vegetables and blanched vegetables. I occasionally get actual vegetable craves, such as a few days ago when I made a huge pot of the best Ratatouille in the world. I'm still eating the leftovers and it is so yummy. I'd trade you a steak for a bowl of that any day.

I might have gone a little overboard when shopping that day though ( see the picture above ) so I went to the self checkout machines to avoid the odd looks at the cashier.

What do you think about vegetables? The best thing after chocolate, to be avoided at all costs or a neccessary evil?


  1. Das mit der Gemüsevergiftung ist toll! :D
    Ich mag auch sehr gerne Grünfutter, aber es gibt ein paar Sorten, die ich gräßlich finde - Schwarzwurzeln, Rote Beete, Fenchel... und Mohrrüben, wenn irgendso ein Ignorant Zucker dran macht. ;)

    1. Lusti,g ich liebe Rote Beete. Als Kind war eines meiner Lieblingsessen Rote Beete mit Reis und saurer Sahne. Der ganze Teller wird pink :D Fenchel habe ich lange gehasst, den gabes (zusammen mit Möhren) immer wenn ich krank war. Fencheltee kann ich deswegen heute noch nicht trinken aber der Fenchel selbst schmeckt mir wieder.


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